1. Terms and Conditions
2. Personal information
3. Contact information
4. Race kit information
5. Account information
Terms and Condition
(Last updated on 18 Apr 2023)
Please Scroll down and Agree with Terms and Conditions
1. Terms and Conditions
2. Personal information
3. Contact information
4. Race kit information
5. Account information
Personal information
Ensure that use picture on bib number
1. Single picture
2. Prohibition of obscene images
3. All rights reserved use default picture, When don’t meet the requirements.
* Suitable picture are 400x400 px in .jpg .jpeg format which size doesn’t exceed 3 MB
Email *
Nationality *
ID Card number *
Firstname (English) *
Lastname (English) *
Firstname (Thai)
Lastname (Thai)
Birth Date *
Blood group *
Gender *

1. Terms and Conditions
2. Personal information
3. Contact information
4. Race kit information
5. Account information
Contact information
Phone Number *
Name emergency 1 *
Emergency number 1 *
Name emergency 2
Emergency number 2

1. Terms and Conditions
2. Personal information
3. Contact information
4. Race kit information
5. Account information
Race kit information
(Optional information; you can fill it in later.)
Shirt size
Shirt size recommendation
Shirt size Size Shirt size Size
Children mini size 30" x 20" Children size 34" x 22"
2S 34" x 25" S 36" x 26"
M 38" x 27" L 40" x 28"
XL 42" x 29" 2XL 44" x 30"
3XL 46" x 31" 4XL 48" x 32"
5XL 50" x 33" 6XL 52" x 34"
Shirt Type

Food Restriction

1. Terms and Conditions
2. Personal information
3. Contact information
4. Race kit information
5. Account information
Account information
Repeat password
* Password must contain at least 6 Characters and 1 Capital letter

Verify Email
Enter the email address associated with your account to receive reset.
Enter the 6-digit verification code that was send to your email. Send Again
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